Welcome to food freedom. Today is your LAST first day of trying a new healthy eating plan!
 How many times have you been here on a Sunday night, friend? You are ready to dive ALL IN on Monday. You have all the items purchased for your new diet that starts tomorrow. Everything is cut up and ready in the fridge. Tonight you're having your "last meal" because from here on out you know your taste buds will suffer...but at least you will feel good! 
Because this time you WILL lose the weight.
But then two weeks later you are exhausted and burnt out and reaching for your old comfort food again....I was on that  “on again and off again” hamster wheel, and I started to discover that trying HARDER to fix my weight only had me trying AGAIN. 
I was trying to slap a band aide on the wound of being rejected because of my body size by achieving weight loss at full throttle.  It wasn't until I finally found a solution that changed my approach to food (and let me eat dessert for breakfast every day - HELLO) that I finally saw lasting results. It's called Trim Healthy Mama, and together we are going to get you lasting results, too.

It's your time to Flourish, friend. It's your time to hop off that hamster wheel and get a grace-filled, hold-your-hand-every-step-of -the-way, simple, sustainable, healthy and delicious guide to healing and weight loss. 

First, let's start with what THM is NOT...

This is NOT a fad diet.
This is NOT counting calories, or punishing your body with strenuous workouts.
This is NOT bland boring food, meal replacements or deprivation.

Trim Healthy Mama is a lifestyle. It is REAL food. This is a system that will get you LASTING results. I'm going to teach you how to balance your meals and love your body well so you have more energy, more time freedom and more FUN. I'm going to help you plan your week with delicious, simple meals your whole family will love. 

This program is for you if...


Flourish is for you if you want to go to the grocery store and buy normal food. You want to have sustainable, healthy food choices to reach for that aren't nasty! You are ready to have total food freedom!

Flourish is for you if your hormones feel out of whack and you want a reset. Flourish is for you if you are nervous you might be pre-diabetic, or already are and want to manage your health. Flourish is for you if you need to nourish your thyroid too. 

Flourish is for you if you need a gentler, easier approach to weight loss. Flourish is for you if you have struggled with your body image for YEARS, and finally want to know what it feels like to love your body. 


Before beginning my journey with Megan and the THM plan, I was struggling feeling good about myself and the way I looked. This spilled over into how I felt about everything from my job to my marriage. I was overweight and stressed! When Megan asked me if I was interested in joining her in a wellness journey, I thought, "Why not? What can it hurt?" 

I hadn't been serious about losing the weight I had gained after having kids, so maybe this was something that could help. I dropped 5 lbs just by drinking more water and cutting out other drinks. What a great start! This really motivated me to dive in head-first into Megan's plan and guidance. I am a snacker and a stress-eater, so I had to be very disciplined to stay on plan. 

There were mistakes and slip-ups along the way, but Megan was so great about teaching me to give myself grace, and make a better food choice the next time. After 9 days, I had lost 3 more pounds. It was working! I pushed hard to stay on plan after that, and in three months I had reached my goal of losing 20 lbs! I felt great and was able to buy clothes a size smaller. That was an awesome feeling! 

Megan's encouragement along the way is what really helped me stick with it. She was so supportive and checked in on me regularly to see how I was doing. It is definitely a process of changing how to think about food and how to fuel your body. Megan was very specific that I should be intentional with my goal setting. That is what helped me along! 

One thing that Megan said through this journey has really stuck with me: It is not your last meal, you will eat again! I know that I don't have to indulge every time I eat because I get to eat again soon! I will not starve! I still follow the THM plan daily and eat cross-fuel meals. I have been able to maintain my weight and feel good about where I am right now. 

It is a wonderful feeling to have the knowledge of how to put a meal together if I want to change into weight-loss mode or maintain where I am. Thank you, Megan, for your help and guidance! It has been such a blessing! -Leanne

Before I started working with Megan, I weighed at my all time high. I felt miserable. and disgusted with myself. I was self-conscious about everything and ashamed. Shopping for clothes left me feeling even more horrible. I hated my body. Looking in the mirror would sicken me. 

All of these things would send me on a hunt to find comfort. I thought that junk food was my friend. I would hide my feelings behind a bag of chips, tub of ice cream, or whatever I could get my hands on. 

I felt exhausted all the time. Walking up just a few steps wore me out for hours. My relationships with my kids and my husband were hurting which just fueled the depression and began the vicious cycle of eating, feeling guilty, being depressed, then eating again.
After working with Megan and learning THM, everything changed. Yes, the weight was coming off, my clothes were baggier, my energy was skyrocketing. More importantly, I was beginning to love the person I saw in the mirror. I began to love me for me. I learned the numbers on the scale or on the tags on my clothes didn't define me.

Since working with Megan, I lost over 35 pounds, several inches, and 5 pant sizes, and I feel incredible. I've learned that I am a daughter of a God who loves me no matter what my size is. I am a beautiful person. That I am not fat, but I have fat. 

This program has helped my relationship with my husband in all aspects of our marriage. I'm closer to my kids. I can do things now that I haven't done in years. Like skip up and down my driveway, or go for a jog. I even went hiking and climbed some crazy hills and rocks.

I no longer turn to food for comfort. I never thought that healthy food could taste so amazing, I was wrong. My family cooks together and tries new things. I would highly recommend the Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle and working with Megan. I know it has changed my life. I believe is has saved my life as well. -Christa

Before joining Megan’s group I had tried everything from South Beach to Beachbody and anything in between. Most of them would work for a while, but it was WORK  to count the calories and meticulously read labels, or it was incredibly expensive to buy their premade food or shakes; particularly when my spouse and child weren’t on the same eating plan with me. Eventually, I always fell off the wagon and regained the weight I had lost. It seemed there had to be some secret that I was missing, something that was holding me back from success, which is why I kept trying new plans.

I jumped into Megan’s group because the idea of dessert for breakfast spoke to my heart. Megan gave me permission to start small, celebrate little wins, and grow into the next step. It was so freeing.

Megan’s training makes eating THM style easy. I liked that it wasn’t too complex and loved that it doesn’t eliminate any food groups.  My family can eat the same food. I’m eating with simple tweaks and they enjoy the recipes too. And it is definitely working because I’m down 25 lbs in 5 months.

But the icing on the cake was when I heard Megan say that in order for your weight loss to stick, you have to start with heart work. My spirit leapt at this idea as her words echoed in the empty places. This was the missing piece! How could I truly expect to change anything if I never stopped to work on my heart?

I worked through the heart work as Megan would post teachings and it has been a great source of growth for me. Megan is insightful and has a gifting for asking just the right questions to help you get to the heart of the matter, identifying lies you have believed and replacing them with Truth.

I am finding freedom (in my heart, mind, and body!) and I’m so excited to continue on my journey with Megan as my coach. Give this a try - you won’t be disappointed! -Kiva




Due to the nature of this content and the fact that this program cannot be retracted once purchased, this program is non-refundable. By purchasing these products and participating in the program, you agree that Megan Dale is not liable for any potential damages incurred. She is not a doctor or RD, the wellness program is simply meant to guide you to eat well. Any statements made have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and not meant to treat, diagnose or cure you.