The Internal Transformation I Needed To Fuel My External One
How many times do we try to use disgust to fuel ourselves into change? 

We hate the way we look in the mirror, so we punish ourselves by going on a restricting diet. 

Our mom pooch makes us want to pull the seat belt tighter in the car, so we make ourselves a slave to the gym.

We noticed our pants are too tight around the edges, but we refuse to buy the next size up. Instead we squeeze into those uncomfortable jeans yet again. Then all day they remind us how unworthy and unfit we are...

Any of that sound familiar? And it's not our fault. As children, we formed beliefs about what made us worthy of love. Into teenhood and adulthood we were bombarded with images of "beauty." Skinny models, product after product marketed to us on how to fix our flaws.

Diet and exercise plan after diet and exercise plan to help us "lose the weight for good."

I've been on that roller coaster too many times. But shame and guilt can only motivate us for so long before we find ourselves binging in the drive thru on a Friday afternoon promising to get back on the wagon come Monday. 

Sweet friend, this is your invitation to a reclamation. You are a masterpiece. Created in the image of a Good Good Father. It's time to take back your birthright: joy, beauty, freedom, vibrancy, FUN! Life abundant. 

Treating your body like your new best friend, 
instead of an enemy you have to punish. How would it change the way you treat her?
Freedom from food is not found in just buckling down and doing better. It's not found in learning all the things about how to fuel your body well.

Freedom comes from untangling the thoughts of unworthiness from our hearts and retraining our brains to see the TRUTH about who we are. 

We get to change the WHY before we can change the how. 

We explore what emotions we are  suppressing and allow our bodies to process them. 

We form new beliefs that support sustainable change. If you're treating your body like your new best friend, instead of an enemy you have to punish, how would it change the way you treat her?

Hey friend, I'm Megan. When I was 5 years old, I wanted to wear a two-piece bathing suit. Someone told me a girl my size should not be wearing that type of swimsuit. 

Later, as a 13-year-old, my gym class had to get on the scale. Even though I was only 10 pounds heavier than most of the other girls, I was the only girl with a three digit number on the scale.
Those roots that were planted in me at such a young age just grew stronger and blossomed. From that point forward I was disgusted with the way I looked. 
No matter how hard I tried, I could not move forward because my heart was weighed down by this anchor of shame and hurt. I think I've tried EVERY diet known to man, but no matter what I tried, I could not lose the weight and keep it off. 

After giving birth to my son, I was tipping the scales at 250 pounds. He is 11 years old now, and I have finally found a groove by just changing ONE habit at a time and learning the tools to change my mind and my heart around food. 

Transforming Patterns is a BRAND NEW program that digs deep into our thoughts, patterns and habits that have kept us stuck. 

It's all the pieces that finally clicked into place for me to have peace on this healthy and whole journey. 

Together we are going to heal from the years of shame cycles and create lasting, sustainable results. 

This is NOT a diet or exercise plan. This is a total reset for your mind and heart that is going to help you shed INNER weight so that you can finally stop running to food for comfort. 

I'm here to silence that voice in your head or tug at your heart whispering to you once again about how you got it wrong. “What is wrong with me that I just can’t get my act together??”

Friend, this is my hand of hope reaching out to ya. We can unlearn generation patterns together! Together we can rewrite our story so our daughters have a different one.
How Does It All Work?
This is an experience where you will discover the habits that have been holding you back from the lasting results you crave. 

We will break down exactly why it's not your fault, and what is happening inside your physical body to keep you stuck. 

As we retrain your brain and banish the thoughts that are holding you hostage, I will hand you tools to protect your peace and avoid overwhelm.

I will give you affirmations and help you cultivate joy on the journey!

You'll get exclusive access to our community Facebook group, videos, PDFs and journaling pages to guide your progress.