Lasting Change From The Inside Out!
"We all come broken, not whole, into this pursuit of better health. Our minds donโ€™t often reflect our desire to love God with all of our hearts, minds, souls and strength. In fact, this brokenness is what drives health and fitness trends. Humanity is seduced into desiring the perfect body (which, by the way, does not exist) so that we may reflect the image of perfection. Yet the one true image of perfection is found only in God." -Alisa Keeton, The Wellness Revelation
How often have you thought, if I could just lose x number of pounds, THEN I will have the life I want... 

Then I will be the woman I know I was meant to be.
Then I will be happy.
Then I will be confident.
Then I will be satisfied.
Then I will have peace in my heart.
๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ I, like so many women, believed that the key to all that was missing in my life was shrinking my body into a smaller size.

Then The Wellness Revelation changed everything.

This book completely changed my life. It healed deep hurts. It made me feel seen and heard and adored by a Creator who says come as you are. When I learned that moving my body could be done in love, not punishment or disgust, I began to cultivate joy and peace and grace - BEFORE the scale started dropping. 

I invite you to join me for 3 months of discovering the woman God calls VERY GOOD.  Here's what this looks like:

- weekly video teachings from author, Alisa Keeton
- workout calendar with live links to video workouts
- coaching and connection via zoom calls 
- Food journal
- private support group
- Bible study
- support, encouragement & prayers from a licensed facilitator