How many times have you looked in the mirror with disgust? Slave away at the gym or highly restrict your meal plan to get a physical change? The key to physical change rises and falls on your mental game. Hating yourself into the gym or into the next fad diet is never the answer. The first slip up of your new plan will send you spiraling into the old habits, leaving you in a pile of guilt and shame. Hating yourself even more.
Love yourself on day one just as much as you envision loving yourself on the day your favorite black dress fits like a perfect glove hugging your transformed body. The girl in that black dress and the girl you are on day one is just as lovable, just as beautiful and just as worthy.
It's not a gym or a strict diet you need my friend. The thoughts that swirl in your mind are what needs to change. It's believing you are worthy of the time it will take.
Stand up, right where you are and walk to your long mirror in your bed room. Stand there and thank God for your eyes that can see the world around you. Thank God for your strong arms that can hold your babies. Thank God for the lips that can passionately kiss your husband. Thank him for the heart that beats in your chest.
Gratitude will always come before transformation. It will re-frame your mind to appreciate rather than despise. Every day say out loud “I am grateful for the body God gave me.” Write down 3 different things you are grateful for about your physical body. Remember the body will not change until the mind does.
Speak life into the places your heart desperately wants to see change.
Cheering for you friend as you navigate loving yourself into change! Want to hang out with a group of women ROCKING transforming their minds and bodies, pop over in my free group.