Sprouted Blueberry Breakfast Bars: THM E
The beautiful soaked blueberry muffins by Jessica Myers are pure delight. My new found love for sprouted flour has me tweeking recipes to save even more time. Then I was out of the muffin liners so I dumped it all in a cake pan!
Magic happened, I was now able to dump everything into one bowl, stir it up, pour in a cake pan and have the most delicious easy peasy breakfast bars! Without further ado... oh wait, I almost forgot. I double this recipe when I make it because it's on my absolute favorite recipes list! Which means I make double as these bars are perfect for freezing! Also, I eat two bars and enjoy collagen in my drink or have a speedy chocolate milk with it! Grab and go at it's finest! Okay, without further ado, here is a video on how to make them and the written recipe is at the bottom. I've got your back girl!
Sprouted Blueberry Breakfast Bars (THM-E)
Follow her recipe (only I used)
- 1 cup on plan sprouted flour instead of soaking the flour
- I also added 1/2 cup of gentle sweet.
These are the new steps I followed
- Preheat oven to 350 F and gently spray a cake pan with coconut oil cooking spray.
- Add all the ingredients (except blueberries) in a bowl, mix well. Gently fold in the blueberries.
- Pour the batter in cake pan, bake for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out mostly clean.
What is your favorite go to quick and easy breakfast? If you are looking for a community of faith filled women on this journey to healthy and whole learning how to try softer as trying harder only has them trying again and again then here is your invitation.
I have been marvelouly ruined! All my favorite treats with THM have been put to the test and I now have a new favorite!
After trying the kit kat recipe from another THM coach last week, it happened. I have a new favorite treat!
So I gathered a round up of other candy THMafied to soon enjoy! Here is the list just for you!
Will you let me know if you have tried any of them?
If you are looking for a heart felt, light your soul on fire THM group where we eat dessert for breakfast, come on over and hang out with us here!
Momma, I know the deep need for an incredible brownie! Missing the flavor, the texture and the goodness can steal the joy right out from under ya! Look no further, girl!
I have tested several recipes and come to the conclussion that our fellow momma Theresa has the only for the books!
IT'S HEAVENLY!!! You can find her recipe here!
I followed the recipe excalty and it was perfection! The perfect gooey consistancy. The perfect texture. The perfect brownie! You can see the verdict of what my family thinks of these brownies here!
Remember you are a trim healthy mama you are not trying to become one! How you get to the destination is how you have to keep it. If you don't have peace and joy on the journey it doesn't magically appear now that you have a smaller waste line. Soul satisfying joy only comes from one thing.
Psalm 16:11,
“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”
Joy comes from spending time in His presence, where He removes all shame, bitterness, overwhelm, and anxiety. In His presence their is fullness of joy! We have to make room for it in our lives. We are busy mommas doing our best to serve and love others well. We can say good bye to the monthly grumps and the nightly overwhelm by resting in His arms. Having a gooey brownie that fuels your body wellmay also bring a smile to your face. You are doingit right momma!
We are stiring up some joy in the Creator's Studio with group coaching and there is a seat at the table saved for you! We are practicing daily walking into His presence and leaning on Him. We also eat a lot of brownies! You can pull up a chair here!
Psalm 16:11,
“You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”
Joy comes from spending time in His presence, where He removes all shame, bitterness, overwhelm, and anxiety. In His presence their is fullness of joy! We have to make room for it in our lives. We are busy mommas doing our best to serve and love others well. We can say good bye to the monthly grumps and the nightly overwhelm by resting in His arms. Having a gooey brownie that fuels your body wellmay also bring a smile to your face. You are doingit right momma!
We are stiring up some joy in the Creator's Studio with group coaching and there is a seat at the table saved for you! We are practicing daily walking into His presence and leaning on Him. We also eat a lot of brownies! You can pull up a chair here!
These cookies are top notch, first class, amazingness! The kind you would get at a fancy bakery only these fuel your body well! These gluten free delightful cookies will give your tastebuds a treat!
I found these from Aray of Hope Health with Coach Sarah- Also know as Becky's true to taste chocolate chip cookies!
I won't judge you if you hid them in an okra bag so you don't have to share with the tiny humans or the hubster in your home ;)
- 1 cup THM Gentle Sweet
- ½ cup THM Super Sweet
- 2 sticks sticks butter ( softened)
- 1 Tbsp vanilla
- 1 tsp black strap molasses
- 2 large eggs
- 1¾ cups THM Baking Blend
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1 tsp baking soda
- ½ tsp salt
- 1 tsp xanthan gum
- 1½ cup on plan chocolate chips (I use bake believe)
Instructions: Below is my version of how I make them, I take steps out for less time.
1, Set the butter out on the counter to soften and blend in your kitchen aide mixer first.
2. Add all other ingrediants and blend.
3. Grab your cookie scope and drop them on a wax paper on the cookie sheet
4. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes.
They will be ooey gooey and perfectly normal to eat with a spoon straight from the pan! Let them cooke then transfer to a container, if you have any left.
They make about 3 dozen, and you better believe I always have one cookie that ends up with no chocolate chips!
I can't wait to see a picture of you enjoying the best chocolate chip THM cookie recipe EVER!!!
If you are looking for additional support, tools, and resources, my private community, Dessert for Breakfast, is a great place to access all the resources you need to fast track your freedom and success!
Slimming Snickers
I have a sweet tooth! I love all things chocolate and one of my absolute favorite candy bars is a snickers bar. So, finding an alternative was a must! Enjoy with any S meal on THM, as well as Keto friendly! Let’s get slim ladies!
Because I don’t do fluff here is the recipe!

Bottom Layer:
- ¾ cup peanuts (make sure they are just peanuts, or salt added but nothing else)
- ½ stick of butter
- ½ cup heavy cream
- ½ cup Pyure
- 1 teaspoon Watkins Caramel extract
Top layer:
- Spray square pan with coconut oil
- Place peanuts at the bottom of the square pan
- Combine all other top layer ingredients in saucepan over low to medium heat.
- Slowly stir mixing everything together. It will thicken, and start to darken in color. Get it to a full bubbling and the color you want for the caramel ( it took me a good 5 minutes)
- Remove from heat and pour over peanuts
- Place in freezer for 10 minutes, don’t start chocolate until the 10 minutes is up. You want to caramel to fully solidified before adding the top layer to it or it will all mix together. Taste is fine, but doesn’t look as pretty.
- Slowly melt chocolate with butter, be careful not to burn the chocolate. It will melt fast. Pour over the solidified top layer.
- Pop back in the freezer until chocolate I hardened. I cut mine to make 12 bars, then it was so sweet I cut each one to be smaller making 24 bars.
You can store these in a closed container in the fridge. They don’t last a week in my house. 😉 Happy Slimming!
Check out the free group Create Your Dream Life for more recipes and encouragement on this healthy eating journey.