As you have said yes to this beautiful journey here is a list of supplies you will want to have on hand for your upcoming 6 months.
- The Wellness Revelation book by Alisa Keeton
- A fresh journal any one will do.
- These are my favorite pens! I will highly encourage you write in your book, the pens are erasable and fun colors! I know, I know, I know I asked you to write in your book!! But go buy two copies of the book if you need to. Mmmmm K.
- 3 ring binder: these are the ones I have, you can use whatever you hvae around your home, or get pretty ones too.
- Highlighters, yes because I promise you, you will want to have a highlighter for the book study! I love all things fun, fancy and office supplies so these erasable highlighters are my jam too!
We are going to do two book studies in the next 6 months. I am still praying over the second choice. I will know which one as we move through The Wellness Revelation.
January 24th we will begin the Wellness Revelation and it will run about 8-10 weeks. I am open to allowing it to flow for the group, so no hard and fast end date on that one yet.
Then the plan is to move into TRANSFORMING EMOTIONAL PATTERNS in APRIL. With the second book study beginning in MAY wrapping us up in JUNE!