I feel like I could puke. My entire body is telling me to run in the opposite direction. Just wave that little white flag of surrender and say peace out. Have you ever tried something new before and felt like running away was a reality you were considering?
Starting something new can have so many emotions that can bubble up. We can be excited for the newness of what is in front of us, but when the work begins, we want to tuck our tail and back away. As I am working through the revelation wellness instructor training, I’m feel all kinds of emotions. It’s almost like being on an emotional rollercoaster. One moment, I am strong and bold and the next turn I feel like I’m free falling only not strapped in to anything to catch me.
What I’m learning in this process is to become curious about my feelings and aware of what thoughts are flowing in my head. Am I telling myself “this is too hard?” “I can’t figure this out?” “Who do I think I am?” One thing I’m learning is that my feelings need a friend but my thoughts need taken to court. 2nd Corinthians 10:5 tells us to “bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ”
The thought of “this is too hard” comes from of feeling of unbelief that I can do this and be safe to put myself out there when I don’t feel like I know what I’m doing. The thought needs to be ran through the word of God. When something seems to hard for my kids I am quick to recite Philippians 4:12 “ I can do all things through Christ who give me strength.” For the longest time, I believed that my feelings needed to be taken to court too, but really my feelings need a hug.
The feeling of fear of judgement, shame if I don’t get it right, sadness if it’s not worthy enough… they all need a hug. They need loved into a safe place. This happens in the secret place. For me that’s at 5am in the morning with my Bible, journal, and listening to Jesus. Our feelings are a window into our beliefs. What we believe becomes our reality. Our beliefs are formed from our thoughts about past experiences we have had. That is why our thoughts are so powerful and need corrected when out of order. Our thoughts eventually become our beliefs and we live out our actions based on our beliefs.
When trying this new thing of becoming a fitness teacher, gospel preacher I am giving myself the gift of time and the gift of grace. Who said I had to have it right the first time? Who said trying something new and not getting it right wasn’t praise worthy progress? Who said learning a new skill meant I better not mess up?
Get curious with your feelings my friend! They are a window into your heart of what you are believing about yourself. They can be traced back to a thought we had that did not line up with the Word of God. What if you could learn to try something new without being triggered by past expectations that you or someone else placed on you?
Drop in the discussion chat below what new thing have you been wanting to try but you are holding back because it all feels overwhelming? Give yourself the gift of time and grace too! It’s been placed on your heart for a reason.