The alarm rings, waking up already exhausted, you hit snooze and your alarm goes through it’s 3 different rings before you peel yourself out of bed. The kids are up and already watching tv. And so it begins, you react to what’s already happening in your day, no sense of control. The knot in your stomach is already forming.
The moment the electronics are off the bickering begins. The two of them are at it again. You send them on their way to get ready for the morning. It takes guiding them on each step and threatening their life if they touch their sibling. “Come on guys can’t we have a calm morning?” You heart rate starts to quicken.
Reaching for the first glass of water because heaven knows you need to care for your temple better. Racing out the door to get everyone where they brought tension in your shoulders. It’s as if you are playing dodge ball to bullets chucked at you, only your still drained from yesterday that your reaction speed is dwindling, it’s a matter of time before you are hit.
Never having tangible control of what’s going on around you, swirls in your mind. At least you ate a healthy breakfast shake, but by lunch time there's no motivation to eat healthy when your co workers are going for Mexican.
As soon as 4 pm hits, it’s off to the races again, grab the kids, feed their never ending hungry bellies, and homework. Praying each step of the way you don’t blow a gasket on them. It’s never your heart to burst out in anger. If only to have a moment of peace in your day.
It continues. Rushing to football practice, it’s cold out and your daughter didn’t listen when you told her to put pants on and grab a jacket. It’s all flooding your body now… the heart racing, the huge knot in your stomach, and the head tension. It’s hard to think let alone respond calmly. So once again you find yourself in the drive thru desperate for a sugar high to feel some sort of peace. Only to derail your hopes of ever losing the extra 40 pounds you are carrying around.
It’s like you are paralyzed. Never making movement towards losing the weight because you are always responding to what’s happening in your day. Each mess up only confirms the thought that "I am too lazy" so, I’ll start Monday is going to happen again for the 50th time.

Luke 5:18 -25 tells us a paralyzed man was being carried to Jesus, but there were so many people standing in front of them the friends took him to the roof to lower him down. Jesus told them their faith had healed him. He must simply stand up, pick up his mat and walk.
Momma friend, my faith is strong enough for your healing while you are still feeling paralyzed. I’ll carry you on the mat to the feet of Jesus so you too can be set free! You must simply pick up your mat and walk! Fill out the survey if you are ready to walk out of the bondage of reaction mode and running to food for your comfort.
Cheering for you,