I sat with Colton on the bathroom floor the other day…
I was getting ready to go work and Colton was making our breakfast.
It was a moment when time is no longer on your side and both kids felt the need to be in the bathroom with you…
I’m grateful they want to be close, but good golly this momma just needed to get ready, emotions were building up as I felt the struggle between needing to be alone to move quicker and savoring the time with them before I left for work.
Colton brought the plate of sausage links into the bathroom to COMPLAIN.
I verbally processed the situation and kindly asked him to please take our breakfast into the kitchen. I could feel my shoulders started to get tense.
As he went to pick up the plate it tipped and all the links went tumbling to the floor with many landing in my husband’s shoe.
That was a breaking point. I saw rage pulsating out of his 9 year old body. Instantly anger flooded him.
I invited him to sit down right there on the bathroom floor. He could hardly gather himself he was so upset.
I knew from my recent training with revelation wellness that anger can be fear's body guard.
What would your reaction have been?
In the past, I would have let the anger that was building come out. We all know that it would have made me feel better to release the tension that had been building.
How many times have you overflowed with anger at your children? Especially when you are pressed for time and now your breakfast is on the floor in a shoe no longer edible.
He wasn’t a child that needed to be reprimanded, he was a child that needed to be loved.
So we sat, we breathed, and we took time to uncover what was really going on in his heart.
He brought the sausage into the bathroom because he was afraid he was going to be left out.
His emotions sky rocketed at the drop of the links in the shoe for fear of disappointment.
I pierced darkness over his fears with life giving words. He left that moment with love that his heart needed.
Friend, the only way I learned this skill is by giving it to myself first! I had to learn what story my emotions were telling me, then instead of telling them to “be quiet” to suppress them, to shame them, I started to embrace them as if they were a part of the 5 year old version of myself that simply needed loved in the moment and not scolded.
Often, my choice of comfort rather than sitting and receiving love has been to turn to food. It’s a guarantee high to the brain. I’m not kidding, it really is. Your body releases a hormonal response when you eat certain foods.
If you have ever used food for an emotional comfort, I understand.
The next time you find yourself needing an emotional fix with food, think about what it would look like to receive the goodness of God’s love over you in that moment.
Be still and Be loved my precious friend!
If you want to join us for more heart work as we travel the path to food freedom then come join us here.