Are you tired of just drinking water? Here is a sipper to enjoy throughout the day!
1 Black Cherry tea bag
2 cups water
2 cups of ice
1 TBS Apple Cider Vinegar
Pyure sweetener to taste
- Put 1 tea bag in a 32 oz cup and pour in 1 cup hot water in the jar. (Want it to steep water bob the tea bag up and down for 2-3 minutes. )
- Remove tea bag and add 1 cup of cold water
- Add 1 TBS apple cider vinegar and add Pyure to taste.
- Stir, and fill the cup the rest of the way with ice
***If you want it to be fizzy add carbonated water instead regular water ***
This is a THM Fuel Pull ( FP). Enjoy this any time throughout the day! I work to increase the apple cider vinegar to 3 TBS as my body allows.