Are you tired of just drinking water? Here is a sipper to enjoy throughout the day!  


1 Black Cherry tea bag
2 cups water
2 cups of ice
1 TBS  Apple Cider Vinegar
Pyure sweetener to taste


  1. Put 1 tea bag in a 32 oz cup and pour in 1 cup hot water in the jar. (Want it to steep water bob the tea bag up and down for 2-3 minutes. )
  2. Remove tea bag and add 1 cup of cold water 
  3. Add 1 TBS apple cider vinegar and add Pyure to taste.
  4. Stir, and fill the cup the rest of the way with ice


***If you want it to be fizzy add carbonated water instead regular water *** 

This is a THM Fuel Pull ( FP). Enjoy this any time throughout the day! I work to increase the apple cider vinegar to 3 TBS as my body allows. 

*** Want it to be drive thru sue use TRUE LEMON BLACK CHERRY PACKET instead of tea bag. be CONSCIOUS of your carb count as this does have some carbs in it ***


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