Standing in the dressing room trying on the next size up once again. So, you finally make a decision to make a change. In your heart, you feel this change has to happen NOW! You start the new fad, jump all in. You spend several hours researching and learning this new way of eating. Only to discover 2 weeks into it, that your exhausted and didn’t lose an ounce of weight.
Your heart is heavy, tears are flowing, all that work for no result. What if speed didn’t matter? What if the thing you are tracking is actually derailing your progress? So many people say in order to create a smart goal it has to have a time measurement to it. I’m going to blow the horn in the other direction.
A measure of time to accomplish a health goal can be PRESSURE! If pressure, isn’t a motivation for you to actually do the thing with joy in your heart than it’s not serving you well.
Does it really matter if it takes you 6 months to lose the weight or 12 months? If in the end the weight comes off, you have new healthy habits and freedom from the thing that once was crushing you?
I have learned to find pure joy in taking one small habit and mastering it. I move forward each day, each meal, each sip of the water. Day in and day out caring for the temple God so graciously gave me to live in. No pressure, showing up with joy!
Friend, if you need to learn how to have joy on this health journey, join the free group
Dessert for Breakfast where women are showing up every day with joy.
Your hope dealer,