I think my eyes about bugged outside of my head when I read this scripture! Seriously Lord, you can have it. It was a nice little chuckle but it kept coming to the front of my mind. I take that as a nudge from Holy Spirit saying " I have more for you in this, let's unpack it together. "
So I started to explore more, what does it mean "All the fat belongs to the Lord"? How do I give it to him? Why on earth would the people from way back when want to keep the fat for themselves.
Here is what I found. The word fat in Hebrew literally means fat. You know how sometimes a word in English can have an entirely different meaning in Hebrew or Greek as it was orginally intended. It's mentioned 12 different times in 11 verses in the Bible, He is serious about the fat! Or really is there more going on here?
In those times, people that carried around extra fat were know as wealthy! They had the money and the supplies to comsume more foods. Having a muffin top and thunder thighs was something to flaunt around before others as a display of " I have arrived, look at me, I am successful." So when they were making sacrifical offerings God was telling them that all the fat of the sacrifice belonged to the Lord.
He was asking them to lay down their status with the sacrifical animal and not keep it for them selves. It was about their heart. It was about their pride. It was about tearing down the high places they were white knuckling as a place of status.
Well, that is a whole different play on words when it comes to "all the fat belongs to the Lord." My next question lead right into another, "what is the fat in my life?" "what about my actual fat Lord, let's not forget about that."
I unpacking the rest of the questions in a video here. Come on over and lets take a deeper dive at how we can let go of the high places we are holding onto.... even if it's our body fat!