How to transform hating your body into loving your body without going to the gym.

How many times have you looked in the mirror with disgust? Slave away at the gym or highly restrict your meal plan to get a physical change? The key to physical change rises and falls on your mental game.  Hating yourself into the gym or into the next fad diet is never the answer. The first slip up of your new plan will send you spiraling into the old habits, leaving you in a pile of guilt and shame. Hating yourself even more.


Love yourself on day one just as much as you envision loving yourself on the day your favorite black dress fits like a perfect glove hugging your transformed body.  The girl in that black dress and the girl you are on day one is just as lovable, just as beautiful and just as worthy.


It's not a gym or a strict diet you need my friend. The thoughts that swirl in your mind are what needs to change. It's believing you are worthy of the time it will take. 

Stand up, right where you are and walk to your long mirror in your bed room. Stand there and thank God for your eyes that can see the world around you. Thank God for your strong arms that can hold your babies. Thank God for the lips that can passionately kiss your husband. Thank him for the heart that beats in your chest. 


Gratitude will always come before transformation. It will re-frame your mind to appreciate rather than despise.  Every day say out loud “I am grateful for the body God gave me.” Write down 3 different things you are grateful for about your physical body. Remember the body will not change until the mind does

Speak life into the places your heart desperately wants to see change. 


Cheering for you friend as you navigate loving yourself into change! Want to hang out with a group of women ROCKING transforming their minds and bodies, pop over in my free group.

What to do when your motivation is missing?

Have you lost your motivation to eat healthy and crush that weight lose goal? 

You are not alone. It doesn't mean it's never going to work for you either! 
Motivation comes and goes. I think we often believe the people that reach their weight lose goal has some sort of super power. What if it has very little to do with motivation and so much more to do with the practice of discipline?

It's easy to stay on your healthy eating plan when you have motivation pumping through your veins, but it's a whole other animal when you stay on that plan when you motivation left you 5 Monday's ago. 

Here are some tips to increase your motivation!
1. Set a smaller goal. We often set a big lofty goal, which is great but can seem so unattainable. Set a goal you can achieve in a week. Shoot, set a goal you can achieve in 24 hours. Simple action steps that are done with excellence will increase your motivation as you give your best effort. We often lose motivation when we don't follow the plan.

2.  Top it off with a reward. Maybe a nice bath, do your nails, or watch your favorite show. Just pick something you can look forward to. Thinking about what the reward will be will increase your motivation. Knowing you will get a fun treat also gives you something to look forward to. 

3. Find some accountability. When you surround yourself with people that are heading in the same direction it can help boost your motivation. Iron sharpens iron and we need each other to sharpen our skills of staying motivated and on plan. So go grab a friend and tell her your new smaller goal and what your reward is going to be once you achieve it. If you need a community of people heading towards weight loss join us here.

If you need someone to just tell you what to eat for dinner for 5 nights to jump start your metabolism then this menu plan is your answer.

3 Meal Planning Hacks without Spending Hours

Are you a meal planner or do you just fly by the seat of your pants? When I started the healthy eating journey, I had to learn the skill of meal planning. Friend, everything is a skill. Meal planning has nothing to do with personality. If you as a toddler learned how to control your bowels, you can certainly learn the art of meal planning with grace and ease.

3 Meal Planning Hacks without Spending Hours

Bonus Tip: Yep, lets start with a bonus tip first! It’s all about mindset! If you believe meal planning is a chore then you will dread it and put it off. If you believe meal planning is a way to serve and honor your family, by golly it will become an act of love for them. It’s an honor to get to serve my family in this way.


Pull Out Your Calendar

Yep that’s right, your calendar! You could plan amazing mouth watering meals, but if you aren’t going to be home at night it will not serve you. You would end up in the drive thru. The drive thru will not help you reach your goal. Look at only the week ahead of you, don't bite off more than you can chew here. See what nights you need to have a meal ready to go in the crock pot for when you get home from work, which nights you can cook at home, and which nights will you need to pack your dinner to head to your child’s sporting event.


Shop Your Cabinets

You already have food in your fridge, freezer, pantry and sitting on the counter. What can you make with the food you already have in your house? Those meals get put on the meal plan first. It’s also one of the greatest ways to save money at the grocery store. The less you buy at the store the more you can put it towards paying off debt or saving for that fun family vacation.



Have themes

It’s easier to come up with dinner ideas when you have a theme. Have you ever heard the saying “Taco Tuesday”? Every Tuesday have a Mexican dish. Every Friday could be pizza. Every Monday could be breakfast for dinner.  You get the idea? Make up a theme then start searching for a dish.

Combine the three tips together and you are ready to plan your week for successfully trimming your waist line while serving your family in love. Start by looking at Monday night: Hubby's home for work plus you have time to cook a meal and you already have stuff to make spaghetti in the pantry? BOOM BABY! Now on to planning Tuesday night, it’s always Taco Tuesday at the Dale house!


Want a 5 night meal plan to trim your waist line?  

Low Carb Chex Mix

What is the first snack you grab for on a road trip? I grew up having special snacks we only get on road trips. So of course, we love road trip snacks! Here is a favorite recipe I make often! 

Chex Mix Pecans Only- THM S or Keto approved!

4 cups pecans
4 TBSP melted butter
3 TBSP Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp onion powder
1/2 tsp season salt

Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Melt the butter and mix in all of the spices. Stir in the pecans until they are fully coated. Line your baking sheet with parchment paper. Bake for 8 minutes, stir, and back for another 8 minutes.

Want more recipes and a community of women encouraging each other on the healthy eating life style? Join our free group Create Your Dream Life!

Sunscreen without the poison

When we get hot, we sweat. Our pores open up and let the toxins out. So imagine, sweating and pouring poison in those open pores. Great combination, right?

Many beaches are even banding sunscreens for their harsh chemicals. The coral is literally dying from toxic sunscreen. Then there is a battle of finding one that actually works. So, I went to one of my favorite companies and put their sunscreen to the test! Everything is test and see! 

My first thought was the sunscreen was thick, so I grabbed a spray bottle and tried a new recipe! I wasn't about to waste my sunscreen, because I would rather use my Lincoln's for another vacation! 

Here is the recipe I tested out on our beach vacation!
  1. Pour the entire bottle of Young Living 50 SPF Sunscreen into the Flairosol spray bottle.
  2. Add liquid coconut oil to fill the bottle 1/2 of the way.
  3. Shake like you have never shaked before! 
  4. When it's all mixed together you can add essential oils. I like to use carrot seed oil, you may want look it up ;)
  5. Finally, top with more liquid coconut oil and go enjoy that sunshine! 
Just in case you struggle with wearing your swimsuit as you hate the body you are living in come check out the free group Create Your Dream Life! We chat about body image, weight loss, and loving the skin we are in. 

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