The Truth About Weight Loss
Did you know that you are inundated with more than 90,000 messages a day! The majority of them are telling us how we should do more, so we can be better.  I’m here to stand up for the truth to say really loud so the girls in the back can hear me too “If you don’t have peace in your body right now, it’s not going to come when you fit into those skinny jeans 3 sizes smaller”. 

Let me say that again, “If you don’t have peace in your body right now, it’s not going to come when you fit into those skinny jeans 3 sizes smaller."

Here is what I know. When I weighed 250 pounds and 150 pounds my peace did not change. Yes, I was in a smaller size jeans. Yes, I was more confident, BUT my response to the circumstances around me were the same! My heart still raced, my shoulders would get tense, and the pit in my stomach was just as painful. 

Go right ahead and ask a woman you consider to be “skinny” what she hates about her body. She will start to rattle off her list of dislikes faster than you can blink your eyes. I know if you reached your ideal body size you think you would never have anything negative to say about your size, but that’s not the truth.

I had the opportunity to share the REAL truth about weight loss in a brand new book, The Truth About Success, that is available for pre-order right now!! Click here to get on the list. 


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