Did you know your emotions can become so tied to your eating habits that you automatically reach for a treat whenever you're stressed or hurt without thinking about what you're doing?
Crazy huh?!?
I can remember as a child, sitting on the couch looking out the window waiting for my dad to show up.
30 minutes later I would give up trying to see if the next car was his.
At that young age, I wasn’t able to control my thoughts and tell them where to go like I can now.
I would use the situation as confirmation that “If I was only GOOD ENOUGH, he would come."
I learned quickly that food was always there. It was just an open cabinet away.
The enemy will use any situation to bring destruction to our hearts.
Friend, when you feel like the enemy is trying to remind you of those hurtful lies from the past…and if you have been using food as a counterfeit comfort to your hurting heart, here are some tangible steps to help you get to the root of emotional eating:
1. We emotionally eat to suppress or soothe negative emotions. When you are reaching for food take a moment to become aware. What emotion are you having?
2. Are you aware of what the difference between emotional eating vs eating from physical hunger?
When you eat emotionally
The effect is temporary
The emotions return
You feel plagued with guilt and shame
When you eat for physical hunger you
Desire a variety of food groups
Feel sensation of fullness and stop eating
Have no negative feelings about eating
3. Understand the cycle of emotional eating is simply a habit, not your identity!
Your emotion triggers you
You reach for food for comfort
You beat yourself up for getting off track
You feel bad and you overeat again
Do you see the cycle? It’s a HABIT!
When you were a toddler you had a habit of going in your diaper. Just like learning to use the
You can change your habits!!! It’s not who you are but simply something that you do.
Habits can easily be transformed!
When you have strong emotions have you ever reached for food without realizing it?