The question that made me cry..... Can you answer it?

The other day I asked some friends a question. I asked them… “Can you write down 100 things you like about yourself?” 
What is your knee jerk reaction to this question?
The answer was a resounding NO! GUT PUNCH! Tears streamed down my face, I’m sure the heart of our good good Father was broken too. The one that created the heavens and the earth. The one that hand crafted you in your mother’s womb. The one that breathed life into you and gave you a purpose…He delights in you.
“Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold;
 My Chosen One in whom My soul delights.
 I have put My Spirit upon Him;
 He will bring forth justice to the nations.
Isaiah 42:1 tells us that you are his chosen one, and He delights in you! Can we just soak that in for a minute? He delights in you! When He thinks about you His heart rejoices. The corners of His mouth lift when you come to His mind! 
The enemy cannot create anything new. So, he tries to come in and distract you, or get you to question “Did God Really Say?” In understanding the attacks of the enemy we can also understand how to put in safe guards against Him. 
Not being able to say 100 things you like about yourself is a divergence tactic of the enemy. I know God has 100 plus things to say about what He loves about you! The pull of defeat has us listening to the enemy but the pull of destiny has us listening to our Creator! 

We cannot give away what we do not have. If we want our daughters to be able to know who they are and who they belong to... If we want our daughters to know their worth and value then we also have to know ours as well. We can't teach her precious soul to shine when we have ours bond by chains.
My friend, April Wender, had great wisdom on this topic. “I have a list of adjectives that I use to speak over myself and my family. For the first year I would pick a word every day and give myself 3 evidences that I was that adjective. It was life changing! It helped me to see myself more the way that God sees me!”

Here are 100 plus words to get you started. Grab a pen and paper and start writing out what describes you! 

Write your list and post it in the Create Your Dream Life Group  where the home of the #dessert for breakfast revolution is housed! Check out the cooking show there on Saturday's at 10:00 am Eastern Standard Time. 

Have you ever heard people talking.... they compare size to worthiness.

It was a girls shopping trip kind of day! I was in junior high.  We were eating lunch at Texas Road house which felt super fancy when you come from a family of six. One member of the party refused to eat the rolls, as she was watching her figure. Mind you she was about a size 4, or something super tiny. She wouldn't put the dressing on her salad because dipping the lettuce into the dressing cup meant she was going to consume less calories. 

The other people at the table praised her. I heard the conversation turn into talking about others and the size of their waste line. It was a comparison of size to worthiness.

It stuck on my heart like hot glue, I felt the burn. Having a super small body was a praise worthy thing. It was a thing of value. If you were fit then you had worth. My brain also made the connection, no matter how wrong it was, if you were not slim and trim you didn't have value. 

Freedom comes when we stop beating ourselves up from missing the mark and start getting curious about why. The story above, I have used to self-sabotage way too many times. 

Except, I went the opposite way. Can they still love me even if I am not the size they want me to be? I'm not a size 2 so I might as well enjoy the rolls, right. It's only praise worthy when I'm making big leaps to change my body shape.

I had to run to the Father and ask for forgiveness. I was not looking to Him for my value. I was dismissing His love and looking to see what man (or in this case women) valued. I was not caring for my temple well. 

We are doing heart work here, which will get you WAY further than any meal plan out there you can find. Now, it's your turn. 

What has been a struggle for you on this journey? When was a time that you saw other people mistreat you for your size?

Come hang out with us in the Create Your Dream Life Group the home of the #dessert for breakfast revolution is housed! Check out the cooking show there on Saturday's at 10:00 am Eastern Standard Time. 

How to Reset from a broken commitment

Have you ever made a commitment to a goal only to feel disgusted with yourself when you dropped the ball? We are going to go on a little journey of recommitting. We are going to clear the slate and walk in healing. Buckle up here we go.

Step One: Understanding why we feel guilt and shame. 

Matthew 5:37  Tells us to let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’  be ‘No.’ For whatever is more than these is from the evil one." Yikes this one stomps on my toes.  Whatever is more than my yes or my no is from the evil one! Well, I am going to rejoice in the fact that I am about to grow a whole lot here. 

When we don't stick to our commitments we have made, to ourselves or to others feel bad because we said we were going to do something and yet we didn’t. The scriptures tell us to let our Yes be a yes when making a commitment. Our no also needs to be no. What if you got to a place where you set yourself up to succeed by setting healthy boundaries around your yes and around your no.

Excellence breeds motivation and inspiration. When we set our hearts out to do something, we set our heart with accomplishing the task with excellence. However, when we don’t operate from the "let your yes be yes and let your no be no" then we self-sabotage our own commitments before we even get started. It’s a set up for failure. Often we are even unaware of our self-sabotage from the very beginning with a commitment that was too big to keep. 
Step Two: Confession

James 5:16  "Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working."
We are using the strategy of saying “I messed up here, when I made a commitment that I didn't keep.”  Owning our own crap will lead us to a place of healing.

Remember that Romans 8:1-2 states "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death." 
You are not condemned when bringing your misstep to the table. The spirit gives life and has set you free! 

So, your confession of how you didn’t show up when you said you were going to is only going to bring healing when you share with someone that is a safe place. 
Step 3: Release yourself

This is where forgiveness is key to your success. Literally get a piece of paper and write out a statement of forgiveness. Here is one that I use. “I forgive you Megan for not sticking to your commitment. I release you from your mistake. I bless you. You owe me nothing. You are free to make a new commitment and shine at it!"
This is the solid foundation for setting yourself free from condemnation, guilt, and shame. We are wiping the slate clean here! Behold He is making all things new!

Come hang out with us in the Create Your Dream Life Group the home of the #dessert for breakfast revolution is housed! 

Caramel Yogurt Fruit Dip- THM FP

Enjoying the mix of caramel and apples in the fall  is a must. This fruit dip takes less than 2-3 minutes to whip up. My daughter will show you how! For those of you following the Trim Healthy Mama plan this is a fuel pull. When enjoyed with apples it will take it to you into the Energy setting known as an "E". You can leave out the caramel and add strawberry extract when it's summer time for a different vibe! 

I linked the Pyure Sweetener so you can get your hands on it too.  Here is the caramel extract  and vanilla extract. 
The ningxia blender is the blender we use in the video. We have had it for years! You can grab yours here.

Thank you for using the affiliate link that supports this website to bring you recipes at no cost to you. Affiliate details can be found here.

P.S. If you are ready to dive into have a guilt free holiday complete the survey to see if the nine day turnaround is a good fit for you! 

P. S.S If you aren't in the group Create Your Dream Life  come hang out with a group of women choosing to reach their health goals. 

Do you start and stop again? More times than you can count?

I have started and stopped so many "diet" plans it's unreal. 

👉weight watchers



👉  Whole 30

👉  Atkins

👉 South beach

👉  The green bean diet (yep it's a thing)


Oh and you can't forget the grapefruit diet! 


Time after time, I would do great, have success, and then STOP!! Something in life would flip up side down and there went any healthy eating plan I was on right along with it. 


I needed to realize cycling through eating plans, starting and stopping, diving into comfort food was all something I was doing to cope with difficult situations. 


It's not a lack of willpower. It didn't define me as a failure. 


Freedom comes from understanding it wasn't about being on a diet, it was about learning to cope.


When we cycle through patterns, we have a coping mechanism that is our natural go to. You had a stressful day at work then come home to a messy house. Your way of coping turns into loading the kids up in the car for a trip to the local drive thru. Because heaven already knows you cleaned out all your cabinets from sugar last week. 


Food as comfort served you well at one point. That doesn’t mean it is still serving you well today. Don’t get me wrong Jesus used food in miracles, for enjoyment, and to nourish His body. Food is not the enemy here. Using food as a source of comfort is actually what you were created for. Hunger pains get soothed by eating.  


When our need for comfort has us turning to food rather than turning to the one our souls were created for is when we get tangled up in the schemes of the enemy. Being aware of our actions, reactions, and inactions is the first step to transformation. 


If you have been on a weight loss journey and tried multiple times, what happens the moment you decide to stop? 

If you have cycled through on again, off again what gets you back on again? 

How often do you use food to comfort a hunger pain vs an emotional pain? 

Remember, food is not the enemy. Each time you stop does not mean you have failed again. We are learning to be aware of what is tripping us up so we can walk the path to freedom. 

Hop on over to the free group CREATE  YOUR DREAM LIFE as we dive into this topic even more.
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