I was on the best streak. Three months of on plan over the holiday’s even on vacation. In my mind, I was rocking this thing out and no one or nothing could stop me. I had dropped 2 sizes in pants and was rocking 20 pounds less.  Pride always comes before a fall. Gosh, how did my heart get prideful on this healthy eating journey? 

The virus hit and we were trapped at home, completely revamping my job and becoming a homeschool mom all at the same time. The wagon completely flipped over, I was left in the dust. Back to my old habits once again. Guilt choked out my joy. Judgement over myself robbed every ounce of peace I had. 

I knew what to do to lose the weight… drink water, nourish your body and move your body. Yet here I was in the hamster wheel of temporary success and failure, once again. Ever been there? 

 It’s not a matter of your body’s ability to release the weight, it’s a matter of systems. In the book Atomic Habits James addresses this “it has NOTHING to do with not rising to the level of your goals. Rather, you’re falling to the level of your system to get to your goals.” 

Unless you have system in place for something you can actually do when life happens you will fall back to the old system EVERY SINGLE TIME! 

NEWS FLASH: The wagon WILL tip over again, if you don’t have a turnaround guide for the best next step you will let the wagon leave you in the dust and never make it to your destination! 
I was left asking myself… How did this happen? It happened because I didn’t have a road map to follow when things got hard. I certainly knew what to do when things were good. 
What is your biggest excuses for getting off your eating plan? I have heard that excuses are just well plan lies we tell ourselves. At this moment, mine was life is stressful. Now I created a plan for when life seems stressful what is my go to meal! For me, it’s the Trim Mac Salad in the Trim health Mama cook book page 181. 
I also knew I needed accountability. Someone that knew my go to meal when I wanted to go off plan. Someone that could process what was going on and help pull me into that wagon when it is getting tipped over. Comment below and tell me if you have a go to person that can hold your hand to keep your from falling ? 

Love this info? You'll love my guide to losing weight without starving yourself. 


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