Does it seem like life has been pretty foggy these days? Everything is so confusing and you don’t know what to believe. The dense fog has your mind swarming.
One thing for sure is that the fog will come and it will GO. Our life can have thick fog, paralyzing ourselves from moving forward. We become debilitated and our progress is stunted.
Here are 3 tips to continue to move forward on your healthy eating plan when life gets foggy without completely giving up.
- Just like when you are driving a car, turn your fog lights on and look at the next step right in front of you. You can’t see very far in the fog. When life is swarming and the thought of ever being able to reach your goal of having peace about your body image seems out of reach, I urge your momma friend to drop your head down and look at your feet. The next step right in front of you is do able, the finish line may not be in sight but it’s still there. The fog will lift, the storm you are going through will pass by, and the finish line will still be there. Your best next step is to drink water and eat a meal that is on plan to nourish your body.

- When the fog comes in, we naturally slow down. Slowing down is for our safety and protection. On our healthy eating journey and finding peace with who you are it’s okay to slow down. Please hear me correctly, slowing down doesn’t mean permission to eat all the junk food. It simply means to make simple meals, repeat meals more often so you don’t have to think about it. Have grab and go snacks that’s on the nine day protocol to stay the course. Drink water and lots of it. One of my favorite go to meals is bag salad and rotisserie chicken. Of course, eating Lily’s chocolate for dessert is my go-to.
- Call a friend. I could shout this from the roof tops again and again. Our family and friends can see past the fog in our life. They can see the finish line and cheer us on the course. My friend Angela knows my goals. I send her a quick Marco polo letting her know I’m in the fog. She asks me how it feels, and what next step I need to take to move forward. For a moment, I can think rationally and take my best next step.
Bonus tip: if you have found yourself in the fog and you turned away from your goal, girl I get it! Take a deep breathe, know that who you are is not where you are, (that's from Heather, a mentor of mine). Pick back up with the next meal. Forget the “I start tomorrow” and move forward with “I am a new creation NOW.”
Come hang out with a community of women creating their dream life even when life gets foggy. It’s a free group where we cheer each other on towards our goals. There is a spot open for you at the table. I’m saving you a seat.
Megan Dale