Does it ever seem like things are always pilling up? Everything is piling up on the calendar and there is no more room in your schedule, yet you still have items on your to do list to get done. 

Imagine your life is like a flower vase. If you allow it to be filled with every demand thrown at you it can get filled up really quickly. The dishes, football practice, dinner, work, and you can’t forget your favorite show at the end of a busy day to unwind. Reacting to everything that is happening in your world around you can quickly have you exhausted with no energy to give your husband after the kids are in bed. Is that really the life you want to live? Giving all your precious capacity to everything else throughout the day only to be running on E by 8 pm.

 Friend, everything you say yes to means you have to say no to something else. Have you ever slowed down enough to weigh your small “yes” you give against a big "yes" that means a lot to you?  We give our time and energy to the house, the dog, our neighbor, and the laundry yet we spare little time for our faith, our spouse and real connection with our children.

The vase of life gets filled up with sand, all the small things then when the sand is poured in first there is no room for the rocks. The rocks are our top 5 priorities in life.  The top 5 priorities should be placed in your vase first. Schedule them into your day before anything else can be poured into your vase. Make appointments in your calendar.

I can hear the question already; you mean you schedule sex into your week with your husband. ABSOLUTLEY! If we choose not to make it a priority, then intimacy will be placed on the back burner. I know where that ends up years down the road. I’m not okay with that. Are you?

What are the top 5 priorities in our life? It can be easy to say God, my husband, the kids, work ect. Check your phone. How often are you scrolling Facebook compared to spending alone time with your spouse? When I first heard this message, it was a hard pill to swallow, I had it all backwards.  Boy am I grateful for forgiveness and new mercies every morning.

Shoot me a message and tell me, what your top 5 priorities are. Have you been putting them into your vase first or allowing the sand to be poured in first? All it takes is awareness and new direction to make a change. There is no shame. 

If you want to hang out with a community of women showing up well in their life. Learning the skills it takes to create their dream life then come hang out with us over here.  Be warned, joy in your everyday moments is on the horizon.

Cheering for you,



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