Has some ever said they were coming to get you and they didn’t show?
I can remember, sitting on the couch looking out the window waiting for my dad to show up.
30 minutes later I would give up trying to see if the next car was his.
The enemy will use any situation to bring destruction to our hearts.
At that young age, I wasn’t able to control my thoughts and tell them where to go like I can now.
I would use the situation as confirmation that “If I was only GOOD ENOUGH, he would come. He always showed up for the BIG events in my life.”
I learned quickly that food was always there. It was just an open cabinet away.
If you have ever used food as a counterfeit comfort to your hurting heart here is tangible action to implement.
Did you know God is a title and He has a name? It's YAHWAY!!!
I breath in and breathe out his name > YAHWAY!
Did you know the sound of your breath when breathing in through your nose sounds like YAH?
Now breath out of your mouth: It sounds like WAY.
Friend, when you feel like the enemy is trying to remind you of those hurtful lies from the past…
In through your nose: YAH
Out of your mouth: WAY
He is our ever-present help in times of trouble!
Our first breath and our last breath PRAISE HIS NAME!!!
Have you ever tried to breathe the name of God to help you return back to calm?
Friend, I'm here with a smile on my face as I have received so much freedom even with the simple act of breathing!
You got this girl! Jesus is working on your behalf. I'm rooting for you too!
If you are looking for additional support, tools, and resources, my private community, Dessert for Breakfast, is a great place to access all the resources you need to fast track your freedom and success!