Have you ever had an experience where you know time stood still and it will forever be remembered as a time your life changed? This past weekend was that experience for me.
I started the event virtually at home in my living room. There was a package that was delivered weeks prior and it was finally time to open it. The first item we opened was a confetti cannon, only I didn’t know it was a confetti cannon!
There was confetti everywhere! It was glorious. I know, you are probably thinking what in the world girl. Confetti launched all over the living room is not a glorious occasion. I get it. I really do, but I was the girl that could never keep her room clean. Being told your room is a pigsty and messy, and why can’t you keep it clean just does a number on a little girl’s tender heart.
I love organization and I can plan an event like there is no tomorrow, but the daily work on keeping everything in a spot is just not my gifting. I have to seriously work at it. If you are blessed with the gift of order on the daily, I applaud you.
The words that were spoken over the confetti everywhere will forever be stamped on my heart! The instructor was addiment that we as participants not jump to clean up “ the mess”. Then these words followed….
“It’s a Holy Mess”
It was like a light bulb switched in my heart, my life is not a mess that needs cleaned up. It’s a Holy Mess. It’s set apart for His love to encounter.
My friend, how many times have you looked at your home and all that is in disarray and start cursing it? “ Ugh, can’t we just keep this house clean? Why is no one cleaning it? When will we ever have it nice?” Those words have been said one too many times to my husband and children. I was the cannon with my words, only it wasn’t confetti that was launched into our home. It was harsh words, blaming them, with a harsh tone. Lord forgive me!
God is whispering to my heart, and maybe now to yours. The mess is holy! It’s our lives He died for, not something we must rush to make look picture perfect on the outside!
1st Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Now when I see a mess in our home, I will be reminded that it’s Holy, as I for the 587th time clean it up! I invite you to make this a new habit for you too!
Please tell me, I’m not alone in this journey. Have you ever said hard words over your home and the mess that feels like it is over taking you? What are you calling a mess that the Lord is calling HOLY?