I was sitting there on Sunday afternoon chatting away with my husband planning for the week ahead. This time I was really going to do it! I was going ALL IN on a new healthy eating plan! Monday was the day to start as the world likes to tell us.
So that meant Sunday dinner was like a last chance meal! The last chance for eating anything that tasted remotely good. But you know what they say… nothing tastes as good as feeling good feels. So my taste buds are just going to have to suffer.
I purchased all the grocery items on my new shopping list. Everything was cut up and in the fridge. Diving head first into a new plan was going to catapult me into the dream body the world told me would bring me joy and lasting peace. I just knew this time was going to be different...until it wasn’t! You know it probably lasted about a week or two, maybe a month if I was really on a roll.
Over time, I repeated this cycle again and again. They call it yo-yo dieting! I call it bondage!
What I started to learn in the “on again and off again” hamster wheel was that my need for speed to fix this problem of mine was actually causing more harm than good! In grad school, I learned that with exercise when you speed up the movement that is when dysfunction steps in.
The faster we do the squat the easier it is to have an injury when it’s not performed with good body alignment. It smacked me right in the face! DUH MEGAN…. Running faster towards the goal of a “beautiful body” was only showing up the dysfunction that was already there.
I was trying to slap a band aide on the wound of being rejected because of my body size by achieving weight loss at full throttle. I had to slow down, think about what patterns I was producing. It’s not about more, more, more or faster, faster, faster… It’s about better.
I started reading the compound effect and learned that … There is a tipping scale of progress. One small seemingly insignificant habit changed at a time compounded daily will create massive momentum.
Welcome to the backwards way. Slow is better so we can do it with correct form as dysfunction shows up with going too fast at the beginning.
Matthew 25:23 “The master said, ‘Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!’
We are being called to be faithful with the small amount we have. That may look like drinking water or taking a walk this week as your small portion to offer up. He is rejoicing to see the work begin and it’s good!
If you are looking for a safe place to learn how to do this healthy eating thing with peace and lasting joy come on over to Create Your Dream Life group. Where we start with dessert for breakfast.