How do I know what to eat?

Growing up we mostly enjoyed food from a can, a wrapper, or a box. Bless my sweet momma she did her best, and God called it good! There came a point when I had been so inodiated with eat this food, no that’s bad for you. No eat that food, oh wait that’s bad for you too. There were so many opinions.

I finally had to quiet the voices to hear my own desires. I want to go to the grocery store and buy real food to get real results. Is that too much to ask for? Trim Healthy Mama (THM) became that place for me to be able to grocery shop, bring the food home and make yummy recipes that nourish and fuel our entire family while gently and easily release 50 pounds.

We enjoy spaghetti and tacos on a weekly basis. It’s taco Tuesday every week at our house. It really puzzled me when meal plans took out whole food groups. Knowing how the body worked, I knew there was an entire system in our body to process carbohydrates. Our hormones and thyroids definitely need those carbs to function well.

Trim Healthy Mama is for the momma looking to fuel her body well and aide it in healing. She wants to slim to her queen weight in an easy way. She wants to feed her children and watch them grow. She wants to not feel guilty for what she eats. She wants to have more energy. She wants to Flourish!

Christa writes about her journey with THM:

“After learning THM and working with Megan, everything began to change. Yes, the weight was coming off. Yes, my clothes were baggier, yes, my energy was skyrocketing. But more importantly, I was beginning to love the person I saw in the mirror. I began to love me for me. I was learning that the numbers on the scale or on the tags on my clothes didn't define who I am. I was learning that I am a daughter of a God who loves me no matter what my size is. I was learning that I am a beautiful person. That I am not fat, but I have fat. I was learning to love me, for me. I began to learn that I am worthy of being happy and I am worthy of the blessings that God has for me. I was learning to be confident. To show up for my family and loved ones.”

If your heart is desiring an easy does it approach to fueling your body well then Flourish is for you!  We are not after ripped and skinny, we are moving towards healthy and whole with peace and joy along the way! 

Is food the Enemy? Plus my go to smoothie!

Food is not the enemy. It’s actually our protector!

When we have high cholesterol it can clog up our arteries and lead to heart disease.

Okra has mucilage. Mucilage binds cholesterol during digestion. It is excreted through the colon.

So it’s not absorbed into the bloodstream. It’s been tested in studies and the results have been shown to have higher levels of cholesterol in the stool with lower blood cholesterol levels. Pretty cool huh! 

I enjoy okra in smoothies, so it’s hidden from my taste buds and my children’s taste buds. My favorite is in a chocolate smoothie, of course it’s THM friendly. 

Here is the recipe: 

1.  Combine okra and almond milk in blender, blend the snot out of it. Friends don't let friends drink chunky okra smoothies, because that is gross! 
2. Once fully liquid add the rest of the ingredients and blend. If it's too thick for you liking add more almond milk. It it's too thin add more ice. 

*** This is a THM Fuel Pull! I enjoy this with pepperidge farm sprouted bread toasted, light laughing cow cheese on top and sprinkled with a mixtures of gentle sweet and cinnamon. The perfect quick and easy on the go breakfast. With the toast you now have a THM E meal! YAY! Your thyroid is happy! 

If you are looking for more recipes like this  join this group here where the dessert for breakfast (THM style) course revolution is.

The Truth About Weight Loss

The Truth About Weight Loss
Did you know that you are inundated with more than 90,000 messages a day! The majority of them are telling us how we should do more, so we can be better.  I’m here to stand up for the truth to say really loud so the girls in the back can hear me too “If you don’t have peace in your body right now, it’s not going to come when you fit into those skinny jeans 3 sizes smaller”. 

Let me say that again, “If you don’t have peace in your body right now, it’s not going to come when you fit into those skinny jeans 3 sizes smaller."

Here is what I know. When I weighed 250 pounds and 150 pounds my peace did not change. Yes, I was in a smaller size jeans. Yes, I was more confident, BUT my response to the circumstances around me were the same! My heart still raced, my shoulders would get tense, and the pit in my stomach was just as painful. 

Go right ahead and ask a woman you consider to be “skinny” what she hates about her body. She will start to rattle off her list of dislikes faster than you can blink your eyes. I know if you reached your ideal body size you think you would never have anything negative to say about your size, but that’s not the truth.

I had the opportunity to share the REAL truth about weight loss in a brand new book, The Truth About Success, that is available for pre-order right now!! Click here to get on the list. 

The moment I cursed my home... it was a mess!

 Have you ever had an experience where you know time stood still and it will forever be remembered as a time your life changed? This past weekend was that experience for me. 
I started the event virtually at home in my living room. There was a package that was delivered weeks prior and it was finally time to open it. The first item we opened was a confetti cannon, only I didn’t know it was a confetti cannon!
There was confetti everywhere! It was glorious. I know, you are probably thinking what in the world girl. Confetti launched all over the living room is not a glorious occasion. I get it. I really do, but I was the girl that could never keep her room clean. Being told your room is a pigsty and messy, and why can’t you keep it clean just does a number on a little girl’s tender heart.

I love organization and I can plan an event like there is no tomorrow, but the daily work on keeping everything in a spot is just not my gifting. I have to seriously work at it. If you are blessed with the gift of order on the daily, I applaud you.
The words that were spoken over the confetti everywhere will forever be stamped on my heart! The instructor was addiment that we as participants not jump to clean up “ the mess”. Then these words followed…. 

“It’s a Holy Mess”

It was like a light bulb switched in my heart, my life is not a mess that needs cleaned up. It’s a Holy Mess. It’s set apart for His love to encounter.

My friend, how many times have you looked at your home and all that is in disarray and start cursing it? “ Ugh, can’t we just keep this house clean? Why is no one cleaning it? When will we ever have it nice?” Those words have been said one too many times to my husband and children. I was the cannon with my words, only it wasn’t confetti that was launched into our home. It was harsh words, blaming them, with a harsh tone. Lord forgive me! 

God is whispering to my heart, and maybe now to yours. The mess is holy! It’s our lives He died for, not something we must rush to make look picture perfect on the outside! 
1st Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.”
Now when I see a mess in our home, I will be reminded that it’s Holy, as I for the 587th time clean it up! I invite you to make this a new habit for you too!
Please tell me, I’m not alone in this journey. Have you ever said hard words over your home and the mess that feels like it is over taking you?  What are you calling a mess that the Lord is calling HOLY?

I even promised myself I would never do this again...

I was sinking. Sinking in the weight of the to do list, sinking in the weight of deadlines and sinking in the weight of not spending my time on the things my heart deeply desired. The weight was heavy. It felt like a two tone armour that I wasn’t meant to bare.   The armour strapped me down and didn’t allow my arms to move. Taking a step forward was stripping the life out of me. 

I recognized that I have been in this space before. I even promised myself I would never do this again. I would never have so many commitments and projects where I felt like life was out of control. In the past, when those feelings of “I just can’t get it all done” I would run to food for a temporary retreat to feel good in my body. 

Yet here I was again, saying yes to really good things which meant I was saying no to my family time and my time to be still and know. This time there was a picture of the growth that I have achieved. I didn’t turn to food. I didn’t find myself in the drive thru or binging on the kid’s snacks. 

I spent time feeling the feelings of inadequacy as I wasn’t going to get it all done by the due dates. I spent time being in my body rather than numbing out. I spent time telling a few close friends where I am out and how I am getting out. The destination is to return to peace and the boundaries I had with my time for my high priorities. 

When I say yes to too many things at once it’s usually from a place of fear of missing out. My old pal FOMO comes right back to rub my back. It turns into wanting to please people. Wanting to show “my stack” as if it represents my worth. My friend, if you too have said yes to too many commitments like I have, I want you to know that you do not have to earn love. Perfect love casts out all fear. So I’m sitting today in His perfect love for me. 

“Such love has no fear, because perfect love expels all fear. If we are afraid, it is for fear of punishment, and this shows that we have not fully experienced his perfect love.”
1 John 4:18

Where are you experiencing fear? What are you afraid your punishment is going to be? It's time to be still and be loved so you can experience his perfect love for you! 

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